Senin, 29 Februari 2016 0 komentar

Cerita baris

1 maret 2016
Perasaan merindu semakin dalam dan serasa ingin meluap. Aku hanya merasakan hadirmu dalam hatiku. Tak apa,asal hati masih merasakan hal yang sama, sakitnya menahan untuk tak melihat bisa aku tekan dalam-dalam.
Mungkin suatu saat, saat aku sudah bahagia denganmu dimasa depan, aku akan kembali mengingat hari ini dan tertawa.
Karena aku percaya hatiku. Sejak awal aku mencintaimu juga dari hati bukan mata.
Aku percaya pada apa yang aku rasakan. Entah bagaimana akhirnya, itu bukan wewenang kita. Kita hanya harus menjaganya tetap berbunga dengan sabar, tulus dan kepercayaan.

24 mei 2016
tepat sehari sebelum 5 annive, semua terlihat begitu rumit.
aku percaya tak ada usaha yang sia - sia. namun karena kesalapahpahaman, seperti terasa jauh.
awalnya aku memang begitu bingung, aku ingin sekali - kali egois berbahagia dengan hidupku sendiri, tapi lagi - lagi, aku masih memikirkan perasaan orang yang tak pernah memikirkan perasaanku. dan aq mengorbankan perasaan orang yang benar - benar tulus menyayangiku.
aku memang begitu malu, aku merasa sangat bersalah. aku berfikir bagaimana caraku menebus kesalahan mereka padamu. kadang kala aku berfikir, jikalau aku lari denganmu, apa aku akan menyakiti hati lain lagi?
pikiran seperti itu lagi - lagi membuatku bingung.
aku ingin, sangat ingin, sekali - kali tak memikirkan perasaan orang lain dan bahagia dengan caraku sendiri.
tepat hari ini aku memutuskan untuk mengambil kesempatan egoisku.
aku mengurus paspor yang akan kugunakan lari padamu.
mungkin saat ini kau terlanjur muak denganku, tapi aku percaya satu hal, aku percaya pada perasaanku, aku memahami hatimu.

28 mei 2016
Pernah denger pepatah ini " siapa yang begitu mencintai, akan banyak tersakiti".

Dy skrang telah membeciku.
Membeci sebesar ia pernah mencintaiku.
Aku pantas dapatkan itu.

Sebenarnya aku begitu mencintainya juga, begitu memperjuangkannya dengan caraku.
Aku ingin kamu dihargai oleh mereka.
Namun, aku tak memperhatikan sudut pandangmu. Aku mrmang bersalah.

Posisi apa ini?
Aku ingat dulu alm. Ayah mengajarkanku untuk menyenangkan banyak orang, melarangku untuk menyakiti hati orang lain.
Tapi sepertinya aq sudah melanggar nasehat itu. Ada banyak hati yang telah aku sakiti. Bahkan ayah, orang- orang yang disebut keluarga pun tak pernah mengganggap aku benar. Aku selalu salah dimata mereka.
Aku berusaha menjaga perasaan merrka sampai aq mengorbankan hati orang yang benar" menyanyangiku.
Dan sekarang ayah, orang itu begitu membenciku. Dy ingin aku merasakan sakit hati, seperti sakit hatinya yang telah aku buat.
Ayaah...posisi apa ini?
Apa aku ikut denganmu saja?

Apa yang bisa aku lakukan untuk menebus kesalahan orang- orang itu padanya dan keluarganya ayaah?

Dia orang baik ayah.
Berulang kali aku ceritakan ini bukan.
Aku tak pernah meragukan kebaikannya.
Dy sekarang begitu membenciku ayah.
Terlihat begitu benci.

Aku hidup untuk apa? Toh hidup hanya mrnyakiti hati orang.
Harusnya tempatku di neraka kan ayaah?
Ajak aku denganmu saja.
Ayaah bahkan sekarang semua orang mengutukku, ibu, suaminya, kakak, dan dy jg.
Mungkin jikalau ayaah ada semua tak serumit ini.
Tapi entahlah, semua sudah terjadi. Aku hanya akan bertahan semampuku. Saat aku sudah tak mampu, aku akan pergi juga.

11 juni 2016
Tak semua yang terlihat itu benar. Adakalanya seseorang memperluhatkan krbhaguannya bukan karena dia bahagia, tapi karena ia sudah tak mampu lagi menutupi kesedihannya.
Yang ia tunjukkan hanyakah sebagai topeng kesedihannya. Karna ia tak sepenuhnya bahagia.
Kau tau, dunia kadang memag selucu itu.
Seseorang yang selama beberapa tahun menjadi segalanya, busa saja sekarang mrnjadi biasa saja.
Itulah hati manusia. Sering berubah-ubah.
Kau pernah dengar, bahwa pengharapan yang paling mengecewakan adalah berharap pada manusia. Ia mungkin memang benar adanya. Tapi terkadang perasaan sayang membuatnya begitu berharga. Hanya mampu berkata, ' tidak apa-apa. Kau sudah melakukan yang terbaik. Kau sudah membuat keputudan besar untuk mencintai tanpa harus megharapkan balasan. Semua akan baik saja. Dan semakin lama semakin baik-baik saja.'

Terkadang aq ingat beberapa quote melo di social media. Agak alay namun terkadang benar adanya. ' cinta itu saling membahagiakan, adkalanya kau harus melelasnya pergi bukan karna kau tak mencuntainya lagi, tapi kamu merasa dy lebih bahagia tanpamu'.

Kau tau, baru sekali dalam hidupku aku mrrasakan sesuatu yang terkadang aq sndri bgung menjelaskanya. Seperti perasaan dimna kau begitu meginginkan seseorang dalam hidupmu, kau hanya membayangkan masa deoan dengannya, kau hanya ingat dy dalam setiap harimu dan srlalu memyebutnya dalam doa. Hanya nama itu, tak pernah  yang lain. Tapi entah, Tuhan tak kunjung berikan jakan terang. Ntah ini untuk menguji kesabaranmu, atau Tuhan ingin melihat lebih usahamu.

Dalam tangis aq tak pernah merasakan kepuasan. Memunggu hari demi hari, munggu demi minggu, bulan demi bulan, atau bahkan tahun demi tahun. Selalu menunggu dan berharap suatu saat hari bahagia itu akan dataang. Namun lagi- lagi entah, belum kunjung datang juga.

Perasan rindu yang awalnya bisa aku tekan dalam-dalam, kinu mulai mencuat, penuh tanya dan harapan.

Tetapi aku sudah mengambil keputusan dan menaggung segala konsequensinya.
Aq memilih untuk tetap mencintaimu dan memunggumu. Tapi ada sekilas dalam hati inginkan kepastian, tapi itu bukan apa-apa. Melihatmu bahagia sudah cukup membuatku bahagia juga, aku tak pernah takut akan ancamanmu tentang membuatku lebih sakit hati darimu. Aku hanya akan menukmati setiap prosesnya. Aku juga tak terlalu banyak berharap kau akan seperti dulu lagi. Setidaknya sekatang, aku lebuh meherti arti mencintai dan menyanyai yang sesungguhnya, bahagiamu bahaguaku juga, meski tak ada aku didalamnya. :-) |:"(|

13 juni 2016
Hari ini aku baru tau kalo semuanya uda berakhir. Aku juga baru tau kronologis ceritanya.
Aku yang dulu pernah begitu ingin dia lihat, kini dy serasa jijik melihatku.
Aku yang dulu pernh jadi angan masa depan, kini sudah tidak lagi.
Dia begitu ingin aq menghilang. Tak apa mrmang itu semua salahku. Keluarganya juga pasti tak trima dan pasti membenciku.
Aku berfikir bagaimna caraku meminta maaf. Agar aku bisa meneruskan hidupku.
Aku harus mulai beljar berjalan lagi, sndiri, pelan-pelan. Aku harus berusaha berdiri lagi.
Berat, ini yang terberat.
Aku harus melakukan yang terbaik dihidupku, agar aku mati dengan bangga.

Sabtu, 27 Februari 2016 0 komentar


Hidup memang tak pernah terduga bagaimana masa depan dan apa yang akan terjadi esok hari. Masihkah nafas berhembus? Masihkah jantung berdetak?  Pertanyaan itu sering kita lupakan saat kita sedang gencar mengejar sesuatu di dunia.
Memang tak ada yang salah, namun kau akan menyadarinya saat kau jatuh, kecewa dan merasa putus asa.
Rencana - rencana besar dimasa depan akan hanya menjadi rencana saat mata sudah tak terbuka.

Kadang dengan tidak sadar kita menyadari dan bertanya, manakah yang akan datang lebih dulu, jodohkah?atau mautkah?, kesemua itu akan terasa menyenangkan saat kita selalu mendekatkan diri pada Illahi.

Rencana besar esok hari begitu besar dan jelas terlihat bahkan dengan mata tertutup, tapi seberapapun keras kau berusaha jika Tuhan belom menghendaki maka tak akan pernah terjadi. Sekeras apapun kau mengejar, saat Tuhan tak mentakdirkannya untukmu akan selalu ada masalah atau hal yang membuatnya menjauh.

Mengapa begitu?
Karena Tuhan memasukkan seseorang dalam kehidupanmu dengan beberapa alasan. Bisa jadi hanya sebentar, lewat begitu saja kemudian pergi. Bisa jadi untuk membuat kita belajar hidup, entah luka atau bahagia. Bisa pula untuk menemani kita selamanya.
Apapun itu, yang pasti tujuan-Nya adalah semakin mendekatkan kita dengan-Nya. Untuk mengingatkan kita bahwa tak ada yang sempurna untuk bersandar kecuali hanya kepada- Nya.

Lalu bagaimana cara menyikapinya?
Kelegowoan dan keikhlasan hati adalah jawabannya. Menyadari bahwasannya Tuhan tak mungkin memberi apa yang kita inginkan, tapi lebih ke apa yang kita butuhkan.
Karna Tuhan lebih memahami kita lebih baik daripada kita sendiri.

Kau boleh saja merasa sedih untuk sementara waktu. Karna kau tau rasa sakitnya hati saat rindu menyeruak masuk kedalam hati secara tiba-tiba. Masuk perlahan seakan menguasai kesemua anggota tubuh tanpa ada persetujuan. Dia masuk dengan begitu pelan dan akhirnya menumpuk hingga kau ingin lari tapi kau tak mampu. Dan hanya berharap orang yang kau rindukan merasakan hal yang sama.

Tapi, lagi-lagi kau harus berfikir ke awal, bahwa segala sesuatu tak mungkin terjadi saat belum ditakdirkan untuk terjadi.

2 maret 2016
Hatiku terasa begitu sesak. Tak tau karena rasa rindu ataukah penyesalan.
Semalam secara tidak sengaja aku mengetahui kau sedang di Australia. Tugaskah?study abbroad kah? Aku begitu penasaran.
Ini mengingatkanku pada tahun kedua kita berjalan. Saat itu kau di Yaman. Dulu aku selalu setia menunggu. 24 jam nonstop. Tapi sekarang aq mulai menangis, waktuku tak begitu lagi untukmu. Dalam hati bersikeras ingin berhenti dari pekerjaan yang sekarang. Yaa..aku harus berenti agar hubunganku seperti dulu lagi:'(

Kamis, 14 Agustus 2014 0 komentar

New 2013 Curriculum for New School Year in Indonesia

New 2013 Curriculum for New School Year in Indonesia
by: Avina Nadhila widarsa
The school term  just started about three weeks ago. This year, government finally decided to try out the new designed curriculum, the  2013 curriculum. Thousands of schools, ranging from elementary (SD), junior high (SMP), and senior high (SMA) have participated in this try out. Despite the debate on the lack of preparation and infrastructure, the 2013 curriculum offers many new features in our education system.
Unlike the previous one, the 2013 curriculum will be  IT-based. Ministry of Education and Culture has set up a website to oversee the implementation of the 2013 curriculum. The website provides details of curriculum implementation, including teachers guide and subject materials.
The curriculum, however, scraps Computer or IT from the compulsory high school subjects. Students are not required to sit in the class for computer subject, rather, they can learn it outside classroom. In return, science subjects (mathematics, physics, biology and chemistry) and religion subject have additional one hour contact time each.
For senior high school students, the 2013 curriculum gives them opportunity to learn another subjects from the other major. For example, a student from natural science major can take some subjects in social science or language/culture major, such as sociology or economy. Students can take whichever subject that they like. In fact, students are free to choose major and up to two cross-major subjects as early as they enter senior high school. With this new feature, the Ministry hopes to abolish the paradigm that the students who get into natural science stream are smarter and better than the others.
To implement this new curriculum, the government has budgeted over IDR829 billion. This is part of the 20% of national budget for education sector. Most of the budget is intended for infrastructure such as teachers training and books. However, books distributions are so disorganized that a number of schools do not obtain the books yet. In addition, teachers training was done just several days before the school started. It makes teachers’ preparation for the new curriculum too rush and ineffective.
Many criticisms were leveled against the Ministry for the 2013 curriculum implementation. As the cost is high, lack of preparation has stirred dissatisfaction in the society.  Multiple doubts are directed towards the effectiveness of the curriculum in enhancing students’ skills in the face of less-than-ready teachers and infrastructure. Some even voices their concerns over the possibility of the implementation of the 2013 curriculum as a way for the current government to take credit and use it as a tool for political campaign in 2014.
Regardless of the intention of the government, in my opinion, the 2013 curriculum has shown substantial conceptual improvement from the previous one. Before the government decided to implement the curriculum in 6,326 schools and asked 74,289 teachers to participate, they have consulted education experts and underwent long development process. It began from internal discussion with the education experts, to presentation to the vice president and parliament, and finally, public examination. In this light, the concepts themselves must not be that bad. The more pressing and pertinent question therefore is the implementation. How can the government ensure the implementation is fully carried out in accordance to the concepts written on the paper?
Selasa, 12 Agustus 2014 0 komentar


1. A procedural syllabus
The procedural syllabus was proposed by Prabhu (1980). Prabhu’s 'Bangalore Project' was based on the premise that structure can be best learned when attention is concentrated on meaning. The focus shifts from the linguistic aspect to the pedagogical one focusing on learning or the learner. The tasks and activities are designed and planned in advance but not the linguistic content. In this syllabus tasks are graded conceptually and grouped by similarity. Within such a framework the selection, ordering and grading of content is not so much considerable for the syllabus designer. Arranging the course around tasks such as information- and opinion-gap activities helps the learner perceive the language subconsciously while consciously focusing on solving the meaning behind the tasks.
2. A cultural syllabus
Believing in the fact that there is a consensus on the objectives of teaching culture, Stern (1992) indicates that aims should be: 
  • A research-minded outlook
  • The learner’s own country
  • Knowledge about the target culture
  • Affective goals; interest, intellectual curiosity, and empathy.
  • Awareness of its characteristics and of differences between the target culture
  • Emphasis on the understanding socio-cultural implications of language and language use
3. A situational syllabus With this type of syllabus, the essential component of organization is a non-linguistic category, i.e. the situation. The underlying premise is that language is related to the situational contexts in which it occurs. The designer of a situational syllabus tries to predict those situations in which the learner will find him/herself, and applies these situations, for instance; seeing the dentist, going to the cinema and meeting a new student, as a basis for selecting and presenting language content. The content of language teaching is a collection of real or imaginary situations in which language occurs or is used. A situation usually includes several participants who are involved in some activity in a particular setting. In this syllabus, situational needs are important rather than grammatical units. The major organizing feature is a list of situations which reflects the way language and behavior are used everyday outside the classroom. Thus, by connecting structural theory to situations the learner is able to induce the meaning from a relevant context.
4. A skill-based syllabus
In this syllabus, the content of the language teaching involves a collection of particular skills that may play a role in using language. skill-based syllabi merge linguistic competencies (pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and discourse) together into generalized types of behavior, such as listening to spoken language for the main idea, writing well-formed paragraphs, delivering effective lectures, and so forth. The chief rationale behind skill-based instruction is to learn the specific language skill. Another less important objective might be to develop more general competence in the language, learning only incidentally any information that may be available while utilizing the language skills.
5. A structural or formal syllabus
This is recognized as the traditional syllabus which is often organized along grammatical lines giving primacy to language form. The focus is on the outcomes or the product. It is, in fact, a grammatical syllabus in which the selection and grading of the content is on the basis of the complexity and simplicity of grammatical items.  In other words, it specifies structural patterns as the basic units of learning and organizes these according to such criteria as structural complexity, difficulty, regularity, utility and frequency. The learner is expected to master each structural step and add it to his/her grammar collection. 
6. A multi-dimensional syllabus
It is possible to design a syllabus involving lessons of varying orientation; for example, some including important functions, others dealing with situations and topics, and yet others with notions and structures. The underlying principle is that there should be flexibility to change the central point of the teaching material as the course unfolds. This will lead to a syllabus design which is flexible, less rigid and more responsive to the various student language needs.
7. A task-based syllabus
A task-based syllabus supports using tasks and activities to encourage learners to utilize the language communicatively so as to achieve a purpose.
8. A process syllabus
The actual syllabus is designed as the teaching and learning proceeds. This type of syllabus was supported by Breen (1984a:1984b) whereby a framework can be provided within which either a pre-designed content syllabus can be publicly analyzed and evaluated by the classroom group, or a developing content syllabus can be designed in an on-going way. It supports a frame for decisions and alternative procedures, activities and tasks for the classroom group. It explicitly attends to teaching and learning and particularly the possible interrelationships between subject matter, learning and the potential contributions of a classroom.
9. A learner-led syllabuses
Breen and Candlin (1984) were the first ones proposed the belief of basing an approach on how learners learn. The emphasis is upon the learner, who it is hoped will be engaged in the implementation of the syllabus design as far as that is practically possible. The learners’ awareness of the course they are studying helps them increase their interest and motivation, attached with the positive effect of developing the skills required to learn.A predetermined and prearranged syllabus provides support and guidance for the instructor and should not be so simply dismissed. The opponents of this view indicate that a learner-led syllabus seems far-reaching, radical and utopian in that it will be complicated to follow as the direction of the syllabus will be mostly the responsibility of the students.
10. A proportional syllabus
This type of syllabus is basically practical and its focus is upon flexibility and spiral technique of language sequencing leading to the recycling of language. The proportional syllabus mainly tries to develop an overall competence. It seems appropriate and applicable for learners who lack exposure to the target language beyond the classroom.
11. A content-based syllabus
This syllabus is intended to design a type of instruction in which the crucial goal is to teach specific information and content using the language that the learners are also learning. Although the subject matter is of primary and vital importance, language learning occurs concurrently with the content learning. The learners are at the same time language students and learners of whatever content and information is being taught. As compared with the task-based approach of language teaching that is connected with communicative and cognitive processes, content-based language teaching deals with information. This syllabus can be exemplified by assuming a chemistry class in which chemistry is taught in the language the learners need or want to learn, possibly with linguistic adjustment to make the chemistry more understandable.
12. A notional/functional syllabus
The chief emphasis of this syllabus is upon the communicative purpose and conceptual meaning of language i.e. notions and functions. In other words, the content of the language teaching is a number of the functions that are performed on using the language, or of the notions that language is utilized to express. Functions can be exemplified by instances such as inviting, requesting, agreeing, apologizing; and notions embrace age, color, size, comparison, time, etc. Besides, grammatical items and situational elements are considered at subsidiary level of importance. As ppposed to the hypothesis of structural and situational syllabuses which lies in the fact that it is most often in search of ‘how’ or ‘when’ and ‘where’ of language (Brumfit and Johnson, 1979:84), the functional/notional syllabus seeks for ‘what is a learner communicates through language’.An important point regarding notional-functional syllabus is that the needs of the students have to be explored and analyzed by different types of interaction and communication a learner may be involved in. Accordingly, needs analysis is central to the design of notional-functional syllabuses.
13. A lexical syllabus

As one of the advocates of the lexical syllabus, Willis (1990, 129-130) asserts that “taking lexis as a starting point enabled us to identify the commonest meanings and patterns in English, and to offer students a picture which is typical of the way English is used”. He continued to claim that they were able to follow through the work of Wilkins and his colleagues in their attempt to establish a notional syllabus. They also were able to suggest to students a way of referencing the language they had experienced. Thus learners were able to use their corpus in the same way as grammarians and lexicographers use a corpus in order to make valid and relevant generalizations about the language under study.
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Assessing Speaking E-book

buat temen-temen yang lagi ngambil mata kuliah assesment, ini ada file Assesessing Speaking dari Moh Kussen....
semoga membantu.....:-)

download, click here

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Poetry (Mom)

You're the shady cave
where I was imprisoned with you
so long
You're the crater
where I skied with mighty
You're the earth
that laid me gently
unwind and sorrow
keeping the dream mountain
day and night
stop springs are not flowing
wetting my thirst
lake where I play
swimming and diving
You're the one, the mother, the sea and sky
who keep my horison
You're the one, mother, sun and moon
escorting journey
look for traces of heaven
The soles of your feet
Rabu, 30 Juli 2014 0 komentar

JOKO KLINTHING (Folklore from Central Java)

Jaka Klinting
A man was walking. His name was Jaka Klinting. He was very tired and hungry. He had not eaten for days. Finally, he arrived at a village. He hoped the villagers would help him.
"Excuse me, Sir. Will you help me? I'm so hungry, would you please give me some food?" asked Jaka Klinting to a villager. Jaka Klinting was wearing a shabby cloth. He did not look good at all. His hair was long and messy. Everyone who saw him would not feel comfortable.
"What? Give you food? No way!" said the man. Then, Jaka Klinting met another man. Sadly, he also refused to help him. Jaka Klinting continued walking. Every time he met a villager, he always asked for food. Sadly, the villagers did not help him.
Finally, he arrived at an old woman's house. Her name was Nyai Lantung.
"Excuse me, Ma'am. I'm really hungry. I had not eaten for many days. Would you please give me some food?" asked Jaka Klinting.
"Of course, please come in. I'll prepare the food for you," said Nyai Lantung.
Nyai Lantung was a widow. Her husband had died years ago. She did not have a child. Nyai Lantung was a poor woman. She was kind and she always helped people.
“Do you have a place to stay, young man?"
"No, Ma'am."
"You can stay here until you can find a better place." Jaka Klinting was very grateful.
To return Nyai Lantung's kindness, he always helped her do anything. Nyai Lantung was also happy. Jaka Klinting did not only help her do the household chores, but he also helped her earn some money by farming.
Sadly, the villagers still did not like Jaka Kinting. They always teased him and made fun of him. They always said bad things to him.
"Hey you, ugly man! What are you doing here? Your place is in the jungle with the monkeys, ha ha ha..."
Every day, the villagers always made fun of Jaka Klinting. However, he never responded to them. He was always silent.
But one day, he could not take it anymore. It happened when the villagers also made fun of Nyai Lantung.
"I know why you stay at Nyai Lantung's house. Because you and her are from the same family, the monkey, ha ha ha..."
"Shut up! You can insult me. But I don't want you to insult Nyai Lantung. She is a kind woman. She is better than you are!" jaka Klinting was very angry. He wanted to give them a lesson.
"I will put this stick on the ground. If anyone can pull it out, I will give him a lot of money," said Jaka Klinting.
The villagers were laughing. They all thought he was crazy. The stick was small and they thought they could pull it out easily.
Amazingly, they could not do it. All the men tried to pull the stick out of the ground, but they could not do it.
"It's my turn now," said Jaka Klinting. With just a simple move, he could pull the stick.
People were surprised. The stick made a hole on the ground. Slowly, water was flowing from the hole. Slow but sure, the water flooded the village.All the villagers tried to save their lives. All the houses were under water, except Nyai Lantung's house.

Who was Jaka Klinting? And why did he have supernatural power? Well, the villagers did not know that Jaka Klinting was a dragon. He changed himself into a human because in his hometown, people were trying to kill him as a dragon. And the water finally made a swamp. People then named the swamp as Rawa Pening. It is in Semarang, Central Java. ***